Watch Out!
ELT Explorers enjoy the outdoors and are careful on their adventures. Our preserves provide safe and fun environments, but it’s important to be a little careful. It’s wild out there! A few things that you should keep in mind to stay safe.
When you’re out exploring nature, it’s important to know how to deal with and respect wildlife. Remember, animals in the wild are just that—wild. Keep a safe distance and never approach or try to touch them, even if they seem friendly. Observe them from afar and use binoculars to get a closer look. you encounter larger animals like deer or bears, stay calm and back away slowly without making sudden movements. Always stay on marked trails to avoid disturbing habitats and nesting areas. And never feed wildlife, as it can make them sick and dependent on humans for food. Let’s show respect for nature and its inhabitants while we enjoy our hikes!
Get ready to embark on an adventure into the realm of woodland animals. As you wander through the forest, you’ll encounter a diverse cast of creatures, from scurrying squirrels to majestic deer and everything in between. These furry and feathered friends call the forest their home, and each one plays a special role in the delicate balance of nature. Learning about woodland animals not only adds excitement to your hiking journey but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for the natural world. So, let’s lace up our boots and explore the wonders of woodland creatures together!

All land trust members receive a free copy of our Essex Land Trust WildLife Guide. You can also purchase a guide by contacting us at

When you’re out on the trails, be aware of ticks. They’re small bugs that can bite you and sometimes make you sick. Wear long pants and socks and use insect repellent to keep them away. After your hike, check yourself for ticks, especially in warm, hidden spots like behind your knees and in your hair. If you find one, ask an adult to help you remove it carefully with tweezers. Don’t worry, as long as you’re careful, ticks won’t ruin your outdoor fun!
Poison Ivy
When you’re out exploring nature, keep an eye out for poison ivy. It’s got three shiny leaves and can give you a really itchy rash if you touch it. Wear long sleeves, pants, and closed shoes to protect your skin. If you accidentally brush against it, wash the area with soap and water right away. Don’t scratch it, or it could get worse! And remember, if you’re not sure what it looks like, ask an adult or an ELT volunteer to help you spot it. Happy hiking!

When you’re exploring the great outdoors, watch out for ground bees. These buzzy insects like to build their nests in the ground, and if you step on or near their nest, they might sting you. You may see a warning sign or if you see a hole in the ground with lots of bees buzzing around it, steer clear! Walk softly and stay on marked trails to avoid disturbing their homes. If you do accidentally disturb a nest and bees start flying around you, don’t panic. Slowly and calmly walk away from the area until you’re out of their territory. Remember, bees are important for nature, so let’s give them their space while we enjoy the outdoors!
Welcome to the wonderful world of woodland plants. As you wander through the forest, you’ll encounter a fascinating array of greenery that plays a vital role in the ecosystem. From towering trees to tiny wildflowers, each plant has its own story to tell. Learning about woodland plants not only helps you appreciate the beauty of nature but also teaches you how to respect and coexist with the environment around you. So, let’s dive in and explore the magical world of woodland plants together!
All land trust members receive a free copy of our Essex Land Trust Plants, Pollinators and Invasives Guide. You can also purchase a guide by contacting us at info@essexlandtrust.or